Sunday 14 October 2012

Task 2: Magazines & Audiences - Magazine Terminology

Masthead - This is the title of the magazine, its purpose is to catch the attention of the audience making them want to buy the magazine.
Colour Scheme - The colour scheme can be used to determine whether the magazine is focused on a male or female audience. The colour scheme helps to improve the features of the magazine. The colour changes may depend on the season in which it’s released.
Numbers - Numbers are often put on the front cover of the magazine to make it seem more interesting and catch the attention of the readers. Numbers catch the attention of the audience because it could be an offer or an amount of tips the magazine could have for you.
Pull Quote - This is a quote that the magazine has taken from the main story in the magazine, giving the audience a preview.
Main Cover Line - This is ordinarily the story that has at least a two page spread; it’s usually based around the centre of the cover and could also have a different font style and size.
Main Image - The main image is usually the main celebrity featured in the magazine. Their image covers a lot of the front cover which also catches the attention of the audience.
Puff - This could be anything that’s on the magazine front cover, that isn’t text. For example some sort of pattern, maybe flowers or butterflies. They are used to enhance the look of the magazine.
Plug - This is something that is used to give a quick glance at what the magazine has to offer the audience.
Date Line - This informs the audience about which edition they are buying, telling them whether it’s an up to date issue of the magazine or not.
Bar-code - The bar-code is usually on the front cover, it is used when the magazine is being purchased in the shops.
Price - The price of the magazine is normally found near the bar-code. However in some cases it could be found in the left third especially if the price has been reduced, this is because the left third is the first thing seen when the magazines are on the shelves.
Tag Line - This is the magazines main selling point, which is used to draw attention to the magazine.
Left Third - This is the main area of the magazine, as it is the part that is seen most by the audience when in shops. You will often find that the more interesting parts of the magazine will be placed in the left third. It will also have more information placed on this part than any other.
Serif Font - This is the main text that the magazine uses to increase their chances of having a bigger audience.
Sans Serif Font – This type of front is usually used for captions on the magazine.

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