Saturday 13 October 2012

Task 2: Magazines & Audiences - Magazine Analysis

I've decided to analyze the February 2012 Cosmopolitan magazine. This specific edition features Kim Kardashian, the story they are covering about her is "I wont be spending Valentines alone" Cosmopolitan releases a magazine every month.

Every magazine has a specific audience in mind this is known as a niche, they are easily differentiated. Cosmopolitans main target audience ranges from young too middle-agged women. There are multiple ways in which the magazine is directed specifically at female audiences.

The masthead in this edition is purple which is usually associated with women. This implies the magazine is targeted at women. The font used is big and bold which will stand out more when set alongside other magazines on shelves in shops. The font is also all in capitals meaning it's going to catch the attention of their audience a lot easier.


In this edition the celebrity that have chosen to feature is Kim Kardashion which is why she is the main image on the front cover, her head also covers over the masthead. This suggests that the magazine is confident enough to know that their audience can still recognise their magazine and not decide to buy another magazine that's in competition with them. By putting her head over the masthead it will catch the attention of more people especially those who are interested in the Celebrity being shown.

Cosmopolitan seem to have done this many times with their magazine.


Cosmopolitan is clearly aimed at women, this is shown through many features on the front cover. For example one of the highlighted stories are ‘The 90 minute rule – Make him hot for you’. This implies that the magazine has advice for women when it comes to men, therefor it is aimed at women.


In addition to this there are even more tips to help women when it comes to impressing men. There is another highlighted story but this time its tips to help women look good for a date night, guaranteeing that there will be results. This again shows that it’s aimed at women because it’s giving more tips to help them with relationships and dating.


When reading a magazine we trust that the information given is true and if it’s tips we believe that they will work. Whereas if we were to read something on the internet we are less likely to believe what is written, this is why so many women buy these types of magazines because they believe the tips they are given will work and it’s worth trying them. When offers are given on magazines that can help women save money with beauty treatments ect they are also more likely to buy the magazine which is why a lot of magazines aimed at women will often have some sort of offer.

In conclusion it is very clear that Cosmopolitan is aimed at women as being the main target audience for the magazine. Magazines all have a specific purpose and this magazine in particular is created for help and advice for women with many different aspects of the female life and beauty racemes.



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