Thursday 3 January 2013

Main Image Photographs

Image 1                    Image 2 

         Image 4

Image 3

All these images could have been used for my main cover however the one i used i think was the best option for my magazine cover. All the images were taken in the photography studio at south Downs College, the students in the images is Anna Collins.
Image one would be good because it's a mid-shot however the image may take up too much room on the page, not leaving enough space for all the information I need to include on the front cover. This could mean that the quality of the photo would have lacked because a lot of it would be covered therefore the tag lines would interfere too much.
Image two would be a great image for the front cover because the image is further away meaning there is more space around Anna to place tag lines. There is also a lot of space above her head meaning there would be plenty of room to fit in a masthead without it interfering with the image. However if I was to use this image i would have to edit the image by cropping it as in the right bottom hand comer you can see the edge of the back drop being used.
Image three could be used as a main image on the front cover, because the lighting used has made it very bright. There is also enough room at the top of her head for a masthead to be placed without interfering with the image. However because of the lack of space around Anna it would mean the information on the cover would have to be placed on the image.
Image four has a lot of space around the image to place the tag line and main cover line. However there isn't quite enough room for a masthead therefore meaning it would interfere with the image. Also with the image being a close up it could mean that Anna would take up too much room on the front cover not leaving enough space for everything else on the page.


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