Thursday 3 January 2013

Creating my college magazine: Front cover

To create my magazine i have chosen to use indesign, this is a very useful way to create a magazine from cover as it has a very useful guide and tool bar on the left side and a colour changing tool to help create the magzine front cover and contents page.


I've decided to use this image for my front cover as there is plent of room around the image for the masthead above her head and for the taglines, puffs and plugs on the left third which is the most common place for these to be seen. However because i have chosen this image it means i need to edit it. To begin with I decided to crop the image so that the edge of the back drop wasn't seen. As time went on when i was creating the front cover i realised that having Anna right in the middle was making it more difficult to place things on the left third. I then decided to crop the image down so that there was little space left of the right of her meaning it made her appear as if she was positioned to the right of the image, this will be shown below as i show my steps towards creating my front cover.

This is my first magazine cover, at first i liked it then realised there was a lot i could improve about it. For example i thought there was too much blank space, i also thought by putting the writting ver the image it was interfering too much. The positiong of the image also didn't seem to be working very well with the amount of information i have.

After looking at it I decided to start again by repositioning everything and also by editing the image slightly.
 I edited the image of Anna using fotoflexer (online photo editor) so that it looked like she was more to the left. This meant there was a lot more room for me put writing on the right of her so that there was less over the image.

 After I changed the position of the picture it made it a lot easier to reposition everything. I decided to remove the star from the cover because I felt it over crowded the image. I also change the writing that's under the heading 'Exams!' to white because I thought the black looked slightly out of place. I used pastel colours because its a winter edition and I though the pale pink, baby blue, lilac and white would be the best colours to match the season.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your engagement with your work and the development of your thoughts and ideas.
