Thursday 6 December 2012

Preliminary Task: Brief


I propose to create a college magazine, they will be released at the begining of every term. The Magazines will consist of helpful informsation for all students around the college relating to college issues and activities outside of college. For example it will have special offers and tips to help the students, it will also have information to help the students with any advice they may need. The students themselves will have the opportunity to get involved with each issue of the magazine by having their say about what should be included in the magazine. So my magazines main focuse would be the students attending South Dowsn college.

After spending a lot of time trying to decide which name to use i chose SD Central, SD Central is the abriviation of South Downs Central. I chose this because the magzine at the center of the college in the sense that it has all the information the students need about the college. The issue i have decided to do will be released in January therefore i have decided to use a pastle colour scheme, because the colours will link to the winter season. I've used pale blue, pale pink, lilac and white. My magazine size will be A4 So that there is plenty of room on the front cover to display an image of a student and also have plenty of room to fit all the information that's needed for the term. 
Below there are two images, one of which is my flatplan of my front cover and the other is a flatplan of my contents page. I would like them to look similar to these.